Welcome to Hel
Haha :)
- grandpa
- shoujo
- legs
its hel
Rumor: gay and obliviousbig teeth

-Red fluffy hair that falls a little past their shoulders
-Fancy metal of choice is gold to match their lashes, notably;
+Metal detailing on goat horns
+A triangle earring on each ear
+Three Diamond danglys on end of tail
-Black and white magic scarring down right side of face and body, especially on right arm which was completely engulfed in scarring with white finger tips.
-Big fluffy black wings with gold markings near the top of each
-Small notch out of tail on scarred side -Gold claws! and gold eyes with black sclera
-Aesthetic is black and gold fits, feel free to keep it as simple or fancy as you want! Usually doesn't wear sleeves, and can be drawn with or without thigh highs.
+Has a dragon form!!! two dragon forms!! Check tab for true form refs. Lots of body / scar details remain relevant :)
Wanted: Dad or Mom
Think of all the things you could write here!
Wanted: Grandpa or grandma
Think of all the things you could write here!